“The covering” is needed!
The covering. Defined, it is “……a thing used to cover something else, typically in order to protect or conceal it.”
Ps 105:39 says this “He spread a cloud for a covering….” God’s great mercy, love and power were shown as He provided the “covering” of a cloud as shade and cool for His chosen people in the wilderness. Surely God knows the need of His people and will act to meet it. Phil 4:19 “And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” Later we read that even at night He provided a pillar of fire for heat and light. He again displays that whether day or night; He knows and will meet our need!
In the Bible there are numerous spiritual pictures of “a covering”, the most prominent being that of Christ as our Covering or a husband submissive to Christ being a “covering” for his wife and family, and as already mentioned God Himself provides a covering for his people in the wilderness. Christ protects, conceals …covers his bride and family as well, as we submit to Him. What a blessing and place of safety a “covering” can be and how necessary it is.
In the physical realm as well there is great benefit and blessing to a “covering”. Our homes are a “covering”. Our cars are a “covering”. Our tents are a “covering”. An umbrella is a “covering”. In other words, a roof over our heads protects us and can guard us from the elements around us. A covering can be a very “preserving” thing. As the elements of rain, snow, hail, sun, dust, etc fall down upon every “uncovered” thing it can lead to deterioration and decay. That which otherwise could seem to last forever, begin to show the signs of wear and tear and soon progresses to a state where it’s usefulness is diminished or completely destroyed.
In 2006 we were able to put up a structure that has been a fantastic “covering” for Gods provisions to this ministry. We call it the Maintenance Center. Along with housing our administrative offices, it has been used tremendously to “maintain” equipment and care for God’s great provisions for the many different aspects of the ministry. This building has provided an incredible amount of protection, provision, and blessing to us. At the time of its construction I remember people saying, “Why would you build such a large building?” I would respond to them, “Have you ever heard of someone saying they regretted building a maintenance facility too big?” Nope! All agreed. This Maintenance Center is becoming crowded however and that which really doesn’t need that level of protection has taken up valuable, enclosed “real estate”.
So we are exploring and seeking the possibility of building another structure. We call it “The Covering”. That’s what it does! It covers and protects perishable goods like firewood, hay, and even equipment paint, bearings, and tires etc, from the sun, rain, hail, snow; elements that all come down from the sky. At this point for example, all of the hay made on the property has no “covering” so much is wasted. We have developed plans for a 50’ x 80’ with 16’ high walls and will be enclosed on one end only with the rest of it open so the air can flow through for better air drying. It will have a cement slab in it to keep things from freezing down and possibly even open-able curtains that we could slide closed to keep snow from blowing into it in the winter and open in the summer to allow breezes to dry the firewood needed to heat buildings etc. The Covering will even allow for a workspace out of the rain when volunteers are working up the firewood.
The Covering would definitely free up valuable space inside the Maintenance Center that would allow for more efficient storage, care and accessibility of things stored there while making working inside the cold storage area much easier due to room to move. Installing a concrete “runway” between the two buildings would also allow us to use the same hard surface forklift in both facilities increasing efficiency as the two structures work together.
Please pray with us for the provisions of God for “The Covering”. Not only do we need His daily covering, we could really use “The Covering” this structure would provide in order to better care for, as I said earlier, our equipment, firewood, hay and the like. Hired cost estimates are around $59,000 but if we could have skilled volunteer labor it could save nearly ½ that cost in its construction.
We will trust the Lord for this as well. His timing and provision are perfect.
Randy Klawitter, Exec. Dir TWFM