Do Not Use This Mailing Address for Driving Directions
This is only a postal mailing address and will NOT lead you to our entrance.
A Christian Camping and Retreat CenterThe Wilderness Fellowship MinistriesFostering Godly Intimacy Since 1972
Please leave a message if there is no answer. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
In case of emergency, the office phone message will tell how to get ahold of someone, but please use this only for emergency needs!
Monday through Friday, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Saturdays Randy (or someone) is usually here onsite. Just not always in the office or shop waiting on calls. If you call, please leave a message so we can return the call as soon as possible. Thank you for understanding.
Visit our Facebook page, participate in the conversations, view Wilderness Worship Nights Live Streaming, and “Like” us!
The Wilderness Fellowship Ministries
21897 Spirit Lake Rd W
Frederic, WI 54837-9642
This is only a postal mailing address and will NOT lead you to our entrance.
For a Map and Directions, click below: