Dear Friends,
TWFM has been a place of recreation and refuge for thousands of people over the years. People of all ages – children, youth and adults – have met Jesus through the ministry of TWFM and the use of these “set apart” grounds.
There is no doubt in my mind that God’s hand has been on this ministry even before my dad and mom, Dick and Lois Klawitter, the founders of TWFM, began to dream of the possibilities. And there is no doubt that He continues to deeply work in the lives of the many who spend time here, seeking a refuge and refreshment for their souls. And is there any doubt that God has already gone ahead of us and is already there in the future with more dreams and plans than we can even imagine?
I believe that God is preparing us for what he has prepared for us! I believe God wants TWFM to grow and increase in outreach to those around us. I have an invitation for you: become a part of The Wilderness Fellowship family through prayer support, volunteering and finances. Each day we diligently work to meet and greet guests, manage and care for what we already have, dream and sometimes even start something new that will impact the overall vision and growth of the ministry. Each day is a walk of faith.
I invite you to prayerfully consider becoming involved in this daily “faith” project. Will you prayerfully consider how God may be asking you to help make our vision of greater impact a reality? Growing the Prayer Cabins village, growing the outreach ministry of Prepare Series, developing more teaching and training settings and facilities to accommodate that growth. Will you invest prayer and finances in a ministry that helps build up God’s Kingdom in the lives of those who step foot on this Holy Ground? It’s an investment in human lives and spiritual birth and growth that really can’t be counted in dollars and cents, but needs dollars and cents to continue to move forward. If your answer is yes to these questions, I would love to hear from you. The TWFM family is growing and I ask you to be a part of it. May God bless you as you read and look through the pages of the new website. My prayer is that you will catch a new and fresh vision for what God can and will do through you as you choose to become a part of this growing ministry family.
Excited for growth and God’s future plans,
Randy Klawitter, Exec. Dir TWFM