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Dear Friends of The Wilderness,
I want to invite you to join me in rejoicing that the Lord is sovereign and has a plan. When things go bad and wrong and we scratch our heads and wonder why, we need to look at the situation with a thankful heart for all that we can thank the Lord for in the midst of a test . This is one of those situations and I just call upon you for prayer.
For those of you who are very familiar with The Wilderness Fellowship, we suffered a loss of a most popular building on February 24, 2017. Fire broke out in The Windy Hill Farm House in the morning just after we had gone over to light fires for the group coming in that day. When we returned to check on it, smoke was pouring from the building and flames were in the walls. A chimney fire was turning the dry old late 1800’s building into a hotbox of smoke and fire. 911 was called and firemen and trucks showed up from three different towns. They did a great job but I have to admit that sometimes I wonder what to do now with a burned out gutted building. Needless to say, this is a huge loss for TWFM as this building is the most popular group/family cabin we have. Rich in history and even the site for the book series Adventure in the Northwoods, we are left wondering what to do now.
For those who have reservations in the coming months for the Farm House we will do our best to offer you either Log Cabin or Lakeside in the order according to your reservation dates. That is all that we have. We hope you understand. Obviously, we will not be charging cancellation fees for those who due to the loss of the Farm House can no longer make their retreat work.
Please pray that God will raise up workers to help clean up the mess, rebuild or remodel or whatever. Also pray for the finances necessary to get this facility back in use if that is even possible. It was insured but it always seems to cost more than insurance seems to cover.
Again, let me remind you that this is the day that the Lord has made and we WILL rejoice and be glad in it. He is preparing us for what he has prepared for us! We will look back and see His hand leading every step I am confident. He will glorify Himself even in when it doesn’t seem possible. Thanks so much.
Randy Klawitter, Executive Director TWFM