The Wilderness Fellowship Media Use Policy

Purpose of our Media Use Policy: We live in a day and age when we are constantly being bombarded by media in ever increasing mobility and availability: TV  , radio , movies , internet , iPod, iPad , laptop computers , game boys , Xbox’s, cell phones, smart phones and the like. You name it, we can’t seem to get away from it. As a result, its presence in our lives has almost been deemed a “necessity.” The Wilderness seeks to challenge that notion and has worked hard to create a unique place where:

  1. “…God can speak tenderly to you.”
  2. You will engage with family, friends, spouse and others to forge lasting, godly relationships.
  3. You are forever changed by an undisrupted encounter with Jesus himself.

Media Use Policy: Media related activities and devices are allowed ONLY if they clearly support the above goals and the mission statement and purposes of TWF:

To provide a place of refuge, peace, restoration and hope, dedicated to help people establish intimacy with Jesus Christ and those they love.

In other words, media devices and activities for the sole purpose of time fillers or entertainment (personal or corporate), compromise and hinder the unique mission and heart of TWF, and therefore are NOT allowed.

Example: A marriage series like ”Love and Respect”, or a leadership series designed to build strong godly leaders, etc…would be fully acceptable. But on the other hand the use of secular, worldly, Hollywood movies…well… NO!

TWFM does not supply any media devices.

This may be hard to understand and even accept, however, we stand firm on this important position in order to protect the mission, purpose, integrity and uniqueness of the ministry. Over the years we have observed and learned that these devices can be an open door to worldly influences that hinder the “Be still and know that I am God” atmosphere which is the very heart of this ministry. Learning to hear from God and letting Him speak to you is difficult enough without these added influences. This position also supports parents and youth directors who desire to set strict “media device” parameters for their retreat. It is OUR RULE and we ask that you follow it so that all who come are able to receive the full benefit of distraction-free “alone time” with Jesus, family and friends.

We understand this is a huge issue today. If you have unanswered questions about this and would like to talk more about this with the Director please do not hesitate to call. Randy would be happy to talk with you.


Any activity or media device use that compromises any part of the mission, purpose, integrity or the uniqueness of TWF will be prohibited. TWF reserves the right to address and prohibit any situations it feels compromises the above in any way.