The Board of Directors has adopted a Biblically-based Christian morals and lifestyle policy consistent with the mission of The Wilderness Fellowship Ministries:
To provide a place of refuge, peace, restoration and hope, dedicated to help people establish intimacy with Jesus Christ and those they love.
Policy Purpose
This policy serves to direct camp administration and staff to welcome the opportunity to be a positive Christian witness and to contribute to the spiritual well-being of others at The Wilderness Fellowship Ministries, Inc. The Board of Directors, seeking the good of others (I Corinthians 10:24), wants to help assure every guest that he or she can have a camping or retreat experience of great joy in the Lord, free from the presence of false teaching or lifestyles in contradiction of the Bible.
Holy Living
The Wilderness Fellowship Ministries promotes holy living according to the Gospel of Christ. Any conduct that is immoral or godless is opposed to this purpose (I Timothy 1:4,4:7, II Timothy 4:4), including witchcraft, occult activity (I Samuel 15:23; Galatians 5:20), drunkenness (I Corinthians 6:9,10; Romans 13:13), and sexual immorality (Galatians 5:19-20; I Corinthians 6:9, Romans 1). Such behavior will not be tolerated on the premises by individuals or groups. No one will be hired or retained who promotes or practices such immorality or godlessness.
Biblical Definition of Marriage
The Biblical definition of marriage by which we stand is as follows. The institution of marriage was conceived and established by God as a covenant relationship. Older than any other social institution, the marriage between a husband and wife is God’s example to us of the relationship He desires between Christ and His bride, the church. We hold to, believe, and affirm marriage to be designed and intended by God as a sacred vow of lifelong relationship between one naturally born man and one naturally born woman united by God until death. (Matthew 19:9; 5:32) No other man-made definition or practice of marriage is Biblically based. No other definition will be recognized or accepted by this ministry and Board of Directors.
Our Standards
Our commitment to holy living is shown by the following standards, adopted to address immoral and godless behavior that may, from time to time, require intervention:
- Persons who identify themselves as an unmarried couple, heterosexual or homosexual, or are not married based on the ministry’s Biblically-based position, will not be given accommodations as a couple. The administration will address any of the situations mentioned above, according to the biblical mandate of holy living.
- Accommodations provided any self-identified homosexual person will be conditioned upon their agreement to refrain from sexual behavior with anyone and not to promote the homosexual lifestyle, directly or indirectly, while on the premises.
- No occult paraphernalia, Satanic or occult activity, alcohol, illegal drugs or paraphernalia will be tolerated on the premises.
Wilderness Yoga Policy
We realize that there is a difference of opinion as to the appropriateness of Christians being involved in Yoga or what has been referred to as a Christian use of Yoga. Having thought about this issue as a ministry, we have come to the following conclusion. We would ask guests of the Wilderness to refrain from the use of Yoga practices during their time here. Thank you for abiding by this policy.