Plumbline Ministries: Hear • Recognize • Obey

Crooked Lake Park, Siren WI 24258 Hwy 35 70, Siren, WI

The vision for this training course is designed to equip the body of Christ to:

Hear - the Father’s voice
Recognize - the gifts to use
Obey - in His Power to minister to others


Prepare Series: Preparing for Revival

Crooked Lake Park, Siren WI 24258 Hwy 35 70, Siren, WI

We are so excited to have Terry and Barbi Franklin with us for the July Prepare Series. Internationally known worship leaders, they write and record and produce all their own music. The focus for the Prepare Series will be on preparing our hearts for revival and hearing reports of what God is doing all over…


Prepare Series: Prayer and Intercession

Johnson Hall, Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Rd M, Frederic, WI, United States

The Wilderness Fellowship is looking forward to having Brian Fenimore back with us to teach on prayer and intercession. Join us as we learn how to put prayer and intercession into practice in your daily life. Although many of you come from various backgrounds and are all at different levels, there are significant nuggets designed…


Prepare Series: Feasts of the Lord

Johnson Hall, Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Rd M, Frederic, WI, United States

Take a journey with us as we explore Jesus' heart for His Bride, the Church, in the Biblical Feasts of Leviticus 23. The Feasts were His rehearsals for His coming the first time, and they are meant to prepare His Bride as she waits for His coming again.   In all cases, the goal of…


Prepare Series: Healing Ministry

Crooked Lake Park, Siren WI 24258 Hwy 35 70, Siren, WI

Brian Fenimore will be teaching on the Healing Ministry as God intended. We will take a look at how Jesus healed people in the Bible and use His ministry as our model. A free will offering will be received to cover expenses. When you make your reservation, let us know if you plan to purchase lunch for suggested donation of…


Prepare Series: Reaching Those In Our Back Yard

Crooked Lake Park, Siren WI 24258 Hwy 35 70, Siren, WI

Greg and Diane Olson with Critters & Company bring an entourage of critters to enhance their workshop on "Reaching Those in Our Back Yard". This workshop is designed to increase the participants' skills and understanding on how to reach out to neighbors and family in one's circle of influence. Skills addressed will include, but are…


Prepare Series: CANCELLED

Crooked Lake Park, Siren WI 24258 Hwy 35 70, Siren, WI

Due to unforeseen circumstances, we regret that we have had to cancel this event. Prepare Series Events are subject to change. Check website for updates.

Prepare Series: CANCELLED

Crooked Lake Park, Siren WI 24258 Hwy 35 70, Siren, WI

Due to circumstances beyond our control, we regret that we have had to cancel this event. We look forward to having Brian Fenimore with us for our March 18 Prepare Series event; please plan to join us then!   Prepare Series Events are subject to change. Check website for updates.


TWFM Annual Meeting

Johnson Hall, Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Rd M, Frederic, WI, United States

  Come join us in Johnson Hall for a recap of God's faithfulness to The Wilderness in 2016. Dessert will be served following the meeting. It is helpful, but not necessary, to let us know you will be coming. RSVP below.        


Prepare Series: Awakening The Kingdom

Crooked Lake Park, Siren WI 24258 Hwy 35 70, Siren, WI

Brian Fenimore will be teaching on Awakening the Kingdom. Have you been trying to connect with the Lord and feel like it just doesn't work? Do you feel like you gain no ground when you pray, fast or meditate? If so, then this seminar was designed with you in mind. A free will offering will…


Prepare Series: Setting the Captives Free: Passover and Resurrection Life for Christians Today

Crooked Lake Park, Siren WI 24258 Hwy 35 70, Siren, WI

John and Courtney Redelsheimer, from Among Us Ministries, will be our speakers. God commanded His people, Israel, 3500 years ago, to keep the Passover. He instructed the Israelites living in bondage in Egypt to cook a lamb, prepare unleavened bread and to eat in haste as He would be leading them out of bondage and…


Easter Sunday Sunrise Service

Sunrise Service Outdoor Worship Area, Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Road M, Frederic, WI

  Join us in celebrating the resurrection of our Lord! The service will be held in the outdoor worship area on the hill facing Spirit Lake. Breakfast will be served in Johnson Hall following the service. Bring lawn chairs and dress for the weather. We will meet in Johnson Hall if it is raining. It…


Prepare Series: Cancer Prevention / Cancer Killers

Crooked Lake Park, Siren WI 24258 Hwy 35 70, Siren, WI

Learn how to prevent cancer through non-invasive means and what steps you can take to fight it. You’ll learn about the dangers of electromagnetic fields (EMFs), and ways to keep healthy with essential oils, nutrition, exercise and chiropractic care and how they all play a role in preventing cancer. EMFs – Joe Darnell Joe’s goal is…


Memorial Day Family Camping Weekend with Larry Guthrie

Crooked Lake Park, Siren WI 24258 Hwy 35 70, Siren, WI

  We are so excited to announce that Dr. Larry Guthrie will be with us for Memorial Day Weekend this year, May 27-28. He will be bringing 4 sessions: Saturday, 10am and 7pm: Lessons from the Sheep Sunday, 10am: Lessons from the Sheep. Sunday, 7pm: The Gospel in the Stars: In Genesis 15, God speaks…

Prepare Series: Developing Your Prophetic Gifting

Crooked Lake Park, Siren WI 24258 Hwy 35 70, Siren, WI

How to know God’s voice, increase your dreams, and increase your overall effectiveness. If you struggle with not hearing God… if you believe you‘re stuck in your destiny… if you feel FRUSTRATED with your relationship with the Lord… then this meeting is just for you. Here’s why: you can hear God and grow. We all…


Prepare Series: Baking with Solar Ovens

Crooked Lake Park, Siren WI 24258 Hwy 35 70, Siren, WI

  Learn how to do baking with solar ovens! Mike and Martha became solar-cooking advocates in 1989. In 1993 the Solar Oven Society was formed to promote solar cooking to the American public and to provide a way to partner with over 3 billion people worldwide who lack adequate fuel for cooking their food. Join…


Prepare Series: Marriage Retreat

Crooked Lake Park, Siren WI 24258 Hwy 35 70, Siren, WI

  Wilderness Fellowship Prepare Series Worship Time Terry and Barbi Franklin, Internationally known worship leaders who write, record and produce all their own music. This marriage retreat brings hope, restoration, inspiration and encouragement to every marriage - the most intimate relationship we have on earth! We are so excited to have Terry and Barbi Franklin…


Prepare Series: Destiny Training

Crooked Lake Park, Siren WI 24258 Hwy 35 70, Siren, WI

  Do you want to grow in your faith, become a great follower and someone who can lead others? Do you want to seek God’s best for your life? Do you want to learn what it takes, in practice and in spirit, to be a leader? If any of these are true, be sure to attend…


Wilderness Worship Night

Crooked Lake Park, Siren WI 24258 Hwy 35 70, Siren, WI

We are starting a new thing here at the Wilderness... Wilderness Worship Nights! Our heart is to provide a place for people from our community to come together and just worship the King of Kings! No matter what denomination or background you come from, we want this to be a time where the Body of…

Prepare Series: Beekeeping

Crooked Lake Park, Siren WI 24258 Hwy 35 70, Siren, WI

      Mark Adams, the President of the Polk County Beekeepers Association, will bring his insights to us on hive management that will be a benefit for the seasoned and the prospective beekeeper. Gaining an understanding in the life cycle of bees and the issues pollinators face at this critical time is of paramount…


Wilderness Worship Night Oct. 2017

Crooked Lake Park, Siren WI 24258 Hwy 35 70, Siren, WI

Join us for a night of worship here at The Wilderness! October 21 at 7:00 PM, in Johnson Hall. No agenda, no sermon, just worshipping the King of Kings! We hope that you can come and worship with us!

Prepare Series: 12 Healing Oils of the Bible

Crooked Lake Park, Siren WI 24258 Hwy 35 70, Siren, WI

      Kara Edstrom will walk us through the historical records and each oil itself to see how oils were used then and how they can benefit us now. God gave us these 12 healing oils for our use and benefit – as God's medicine.     A free will offering will be received…


Wilderness Worship Night November 2017

Crooked Lake Park, Siren WI 24258 Hwy 35 70, Siren, WI

Join us for a night of worship here at The Wilderness! November 18 at 7:00 PM, in Johnson Hall. No agenda, no sermon, just worshiping the King of Kings! We hope that you can come and worship with us!

Christmas Worship Night

Crooked Lake Park, Siren WI 24258 Hwy 35 70, Siren, WI

A special night of celebrating the birth of Jesus and worshiping together! Saturday, December 16 at 7:00 PM. After worship we will enjoy some Christmas cookies and hot chocolate! We hope that you'll join us! No RSVP needed!

Wilderness Worship Night – January 2018

Crooked Lake Park, Siren WI 24258 Hwy 35 70, Siren, WI

Join us for a night of worship here at The Wilderness! January 20, 2018 at 7:00 PM, in Johnson Hall. No agenda, no sermon, just worshiping the King of Kings! We hope that you can come and worship with us!

Prepare Series: Loving Our Kids On Purpose DVD Series

Adventure Church 23985 State Rd 35 S, Siren, WI, United States

      We need to become students of who our kids are. It takes time, attention and wisdom to do this. The best way to prepare our children to handle the multitude of options they will have as children of the King of Kings, is to invest in developing a heart to heart connection.…


Prepare Series: Loving Our Kids On Purpose DVD Series

Adventure Church 23985 State Rd 35 S, Siren, WI, United States

      We need to become students of who our kids are. It takes time, attention and wisdom to do this. The best way to prepare our children to handle the multitude of options they will have as children of the King of Kings, is to invest in developing a heart to heart connection.…


Prepare Series: Spiritual Gifts

Crooked Lake Park, Siren WI 24258 Hwy 35 70, Siren, WI

  Is the topic of Spiritual Gifts confusing? During this seminar Brian will be taking biblical examples and a biblical approach on the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Then he will help us learn how to flow in the gifts of the Spirit. A free-will offering will be received to cover expenses. When you make…


Easter Morning Sunrise Service

Crooked Lake Park, Siren WI 24258 Hwy 35 70, Siren, WI

Sunday, April 1st, 6:30am DUE TO WEATHER THE EASTER SUNRISE SERVICE WILL BE HELD IN JOHNSON HALL. The Wilderness Fellowship Ministries invites you to its annual Easter Morning Sunrise Service, Sunday April 1st, at 6:30 a.m. The service will be held on the Sunrise Hill overlooking Spirit Lake at The Wilderness Fellowship. Breakfast will be…


Prepare Series: How to be Christ’s witness with power!

Crooked Lake Park, Siren WI 24258 Hwy 35 70, Siren, WI

  Mark and Kathy Strandjord, Spirit of Hope Ministries, will be teaching on how to naturally present Christ's gospel in many different settings. They will also teach and impart gifts of healing and words of knowledge. There will be a time of activating and practicing these gifts. A free-will offering will be received to cover…


Prepare Series: Basic First Aid

Crooked Lake Park, Siren WI 24258 Hwy 35 70, Siren, WI

  Katie Tewalt (Paramedic) and Caylin Muehlberg (EMT) will be teaching us basic first aid. How to put together a first aid kit. How to assist someone who’s choking. How to treat burns and cuts. How to move an injured person. How to stop bleeding. How to splint a broken bone. How to use an…


Memorial Day Weekend 2018

Crooked Lake Park, Siren WI 24258 Hwy 35 70, Siren, WI

 Open camping Friday, May 25th - Monday, May 28th!  Weekend Schedule Saturday, May 26th Critters and Company - Empowering Individuals to Make a Difference. 10:30 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. at Johnson Hall Critters and Company will be with us for 2 presentations on Saturday, May 26th. Their first presentation will be at 10:30 a.m. on "How…

Prepare Series: Becoming a Prayer Warrior

Crooked Lake Park, Siren WI 24258 Hwy 35 70, Siren, WI

  This seminar is a powerful yet basic guide to prayer for everyone. Whether you are just beginning your prayer life or you are a front-line intercessor, you will discover the essentials of prayer. A free-will offering will be received to cover expenses. When you make your reservation, let us know if you plan to…


Wilderness Worship Night – July 2018

Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Road M, Frederic, WI, United States

Join us for a night of worship here at The Wilderness! July 21, 2018 at 7:00 PM, in Johnson Hall. No agenda, no sermon, just worshiping the King of Kings! We hope that you can come and worship with us!

Patterns of Evidence: Exodus – FREE MOVIE EVENT

Siren High School Auditorium 24022 4th Ave, Siren, WI, United States

   FILM SYNOPSIS For centuries, a historical and religious controversy has existed around certain events described in the Biblical record.. One event in particular, the Exodus, holds tremendous significance for people of faith from all over the world. The record says that the people of Israel were delivered from slavery in Egypt under the…

Worship In The Park – Wilderness Worship- August 2018

Crooked Lake Park - Siren, WI 24258 Hwy 35, Siren, WI

Join us for a night of worship at Crooked Lake Park in Siren, WI. August 18, 2018 at 7:00 PM. No agenda, no sermon, just worshiping the King of Kings! We hope that you can come and invite your friends and family to help us fill the park with praise!

Experience The River – Brian Fenimore – Discovering the World of Dreams

Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Road M, Frederic, WI, United States

Don't miss the kickoff for our new "Experience the River" conferences! Our new start time will be at 12:30, beginning with an awesome time of worship. After an afternoon of Brian Fenimore's teaching, our regular "Wilderness Worship" night will be held from 7 to 8:30 p.m.   Discovering the World of Dreams Brian Fenimore will…

Experience The River – Dave Heinrich – Spiritual Warfare

Johnson Hall, Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Rd M, Frederic, WI, United States

Our new start time is at 12:30, beginning with an awesome time of worship. A catered dinner will be included in the conference fee of $30*. After dinner we will have our regular "Wilderness Worship" night from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Spiritual Warfare A Biblical worldview and the kingdom of God. Protecting your home, yourself,…

Experience The River – Ryan Hawley

Johnson Hall, Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Rd M, Frederic, WI, United States

Our new start time is at 12:30, beginning with an awesome time of worship. A catered dinner will be included in the conference fee of $30*. After dinner we will have our regular "Wilderness Worship" night from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Living a Life of Significance Ryan Hawley is a gifted teacher, speaker, and is…

Wilderness Worship Night

Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Road M, Frederic, WI, United States

Join us for a night of worship here at The Wilderness every 3rd Saturday of the month at 7:00 PM, in Johnson Hall. No agenda, no sermon, just worshiping the King of Kings! We hope that you can come and worship with us!

Experience The River – Carl Wesley Anderson

Johnson Hall, Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Rd M, Frederic, WI, United States

Our start time is at 12:30, beginning with an awesome time of worship. A catered dinner will be included in the conference fee of $30*. After dinner we will have our regular "Wilderness Worship" night from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Love Speaks - Born To Blaze Ministries         The author of Love…

Wilderness Worship Night

Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Road M, Frederic, WI, United States

  Wilderness Worship is a night of worship that happens every 3rd Saturday of the month here at The Wilderness Fellowship. It is a free event open to everyone in the community! It consists of an hour and half of worship starting at 7:00 PM!  - No preaching, no agenda, just worship! - We hope…

Wilderness Worship Night

Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Road M, Frederic, WI, United States

  Wilderness Worship is a night of worship that happens every 3rd Saturday of the month here at The Wilderness Fellowship. It is a free event open to everyone in the community! It consists of an hour and half of worship starting at 7:00 PM!  - No preaching, no agenda, just worship! - We hope…

Experience The River – Dave Heinrich – Spiritual Warfare

Johnson Hall, Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Rd M, Frederic, WI, United States

Our start time is at 12:30, beginning with an awesome time of worship. A catered dinner will be included in the conference fee of $30*. After dinner we will have our regular "Wilderness Worship" night from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Spiritual Warfare Dave is coming back to share more with us on the topic of…

Wilderness Worship Night

Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Road M, Frederic, WI, United States

  Wilderness Worship is a night of worship that happens every 3rd Saturday of the month here at The Wilderness Fellowship. It is a free event open to everyone in the community! It consists of an hour and half of worship starting at 7:00 PM!  - No preaching, no agenda, just worship! - We hope…

Easter Sunrise Service

Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Road M, Frederic, WI, United States

Join us for Easter Sunrise Service at 6:00 am at the Sunrise Service Outdoor Worship Area and then enjoy a delicious breakfast with us afterwards at the Johnson Hall.

Wilderness Worship Night

Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Road M, Frederic, WI, United States

  Wilderness Worship is a night of worship that happens every 3rd Saturday of the month here at The Wilderness Fellowship. It is a free event open to everyone in the community! It consists of an hour and half of worship starting at 7:00 PM!  - No preaching, no agenda, just worship! - We hope…

Memorial Day Weekend – May 24th – 27th

Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Road M, Frederic, WI, United States

Memorial Day Weekend- We are excited about having Carl Wesley Anderson with us as our speaker for Memorial Day Weekend this year.  Carl will be sharing on Saturday and Sunday mornings at 10:00 and Saturday and Sunday evenings at 7:00. His video series called “Love Speaks” recently aired on TBN world-wide.  To find out more…

Mercy Cabin Dedication & Open House

Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Road M, Frederic, WI, United States

The Wilderness Fellowship Ministries Board of Directors and staff together with the Klawitter Family invite you to join them Sunday May 26th from 2-5pm for the Dedication and Open House of the recently completed Mercy Prayer Cabin.  This cabin was built with these purposes in mind. To Glorify God, to honor and remember Lois Klawitter,…

Experience The River – Brian Fenimore – Your Identity In Christ

Johnson Hall, Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Rd M, Frederic, WI, United States

Our start time is at 12:30, beginning with an awesome time of worship. A catered dinner, served after the teaching time, is included in the conference fee of $30*. After dinner we will have our regular "Wilderness Worship" night from 7 to 8:30 p.m.     Brian Fenimore will be speaking on your identity in…

Wilderness Worship Night

Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Road M, Frederic, WI, United States

  Wilderness Worship is a night of worship that happens every 3rd Saturday of the month here at The Wilderness Fellowship. It is a free event open to everyone in the community! It consists of an hour and half of worship starting at 7:00 PM!  - No preaching, no agenda, just worship! - We hope…

Wilderness Worship Night

Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Road M, Frederic, WI, United States

  Wilderness Worship is a night of worship that happens every 3rd Saturday of the month here at The Wilderness Fellowship. It is a free event open to everyone in the community! It consists of an hour and half of worship starting at 7:00 PM!  - No preaching, no agenda, just worship! - We hope…

Worship In The Park – Wilderness Worship- August 2019

Crooked Lake Park - Siren, WI 24258 Hwy 35, Siren, WI

Join us for a night of worship at Crooked Lake Park in Siren, WI. August 17, 2019 at 7:00 PM. No agenda, no sermon, just worshiping the King of Kings! We hope that you can come and invite your friends and family to help us fill the park with praise!  Bring your own picnic and…

Experience The River – Bart Thompson – Vertical Alignment

Johnson Hall, Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Rd M, Frederic, WI, United States

Our start time is at 12:30, beginning with an awesome time of worship. A catered dinner will be included in the conference fee of $30*. After dinner we will have our regular "Wilderness Worship" night from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Vertical Alignment Bart Thompson is a pastor at Inver Hills Church in the Twin Cities.…

Wilderness Worship Night

Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Road M, Frederic, WI, United States

  Wilderness Worship is a night of worship that happens every 3rd Saturday of the month here at The Wilderness Fellowship. It is a free event open to everyone in the community! It consists of an hour and half of worship starting at 7:00 PM!  - No preaching, no agenda, just worship! - We hope…

Wilderness Worship Night

Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Road M, Frederic, WI, United States

  Wilderness Worship is a night of worship that happens every 3rd Saturday of the month here at The Wilderness Fellowship. It is a free event open to everyone in the community! It consists of an hour and half of worship starting at 7:00 PM!  - No preaching, no agenda, just worship! - We hope…

Experience The River – Dave Heinrich – Effective Healing Prayer

Johnson Hall, Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Rd M, Frederic, WI, United States

Our start time is at 12:30, beginning with an awesome time of worship. A catered dinner will be included in the conference fee of $30*. After dinner we will have our regular "Wilderness Worship" night from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Effective Healing Prayer Many people become frustrated while praying for healing without the results they…

Wilderness Worship Night

Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Road M, Frederic, WI, United States

  Wilderness Worship is a night of worship that happens every 3rd Saturday of the month here at The Wilderness Fellowship. It is a free event open to everyone in the community! It consists of an hour and half of worship starting at 7:00 PM!  - No preaching, no agenda, just worship! - We hope…

Wilderness Worship Night Christmas

Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Road M, Frederic, WI, United States

Christmas Worship at the Wilderness December 14th, 2019 This month Wilderness Worship will be on the 2nd Saturday in December due to the 3rd Saturday being so close to Christmas Day. We hope you'll join us for this special night of worship celebrating the birth of our Savior! Wilderness Worship is a night of worship…

NO Worship Night – January 2020

WI, United States

************** We are giving the worship team a month off this January, so there will be no worship night on January 18. But we'll be back to our normal monthly schedule in February! We hope to see you there!! ***************   Wilderness Worship is a night of worship that happens every 3rd Saturday of the…

Experience The River – Gerry Bass – I Am Loved

Johnson Hall, Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Rd M, Frederic, WI, United States

Our start time is at 12:30, beginning with an awesome time of worship. A catered dinner will be included in the conference fee of $30*. After dinner we will have our regular "Wilderness Worship" night from 7 to 8:30 p.m. I Am Loved I am loved is a very strong statement.  It is a statement that…

Wilderness Worship Night

Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Road M, Frederic, WI, United States

  Wilderness Worship is a night of worship that happens every 3rd Saturday of the month here at The Wilderness Fellowship. It is a free event open to everyone in the community! It consists of an hour and half of worship starting at 7:00 PM!  - No preaching, no agenda, just worship! - We hope…

Wilderness Worship Night

Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Road M, Frederic, WI, United States

  Wilderness Worship is a night of worship that happens every 3rd Saturday of the month here at The Wilderness Fellowship. It is a free event open to everyone in the community! It consists of an hour and half of worship starting at 7:00 PM!  - No preaching, no agenda, just worship! - We hope…

Easter Sunrise Service 2020 – CANCELLED

Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Road M, Frederic, WI, United States

THIS EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELLED.   Join us for Easter Sunrise Service at 6:15 am at the Sunrise Service Outdoor Worship Area and then enjoy a delicious breakfast with us afterwards at Johnson Hall.

Experience The River – Todd Marshall – CANCELLED

Johnson Hall, Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Rd M, Frederic, WI, United States

THIS EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELLED.   Our start time is at 12:30, beginning with an awesome time of worship. A catered dinner will be included in the conference fee of $30*. After dinner we will have our regular "Wilderness Worship" night from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Worship Is Life Todd & Brenda Marshall "Worship is…

Wilderness Worship Night – CANCELLED

Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Road M, Frederic, WI, United States

THIS EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELLED. Wilderness Worship is a night of worship that happens every 3rd Saturday of the month here at The Wilderness Fellowship. It is a free event open to everyone in the community! It consists of an hour and half of worship starting at 7:00 PM!  - No preaching, no agenda, just…

Marriage Conference – CANCELLED

Johnson Hall, Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Rd M, Frederic, WI, United States

THIS EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELLED. The Ultimate Marriage Conference is a call to hope, greatness, and destiny for every marriage. We begin with the Father's original culture, and from His starting point, we drop a plumb line to help you build the ultimate marriage. It's time to learn what heaven's idea about marriage truly is - because…

Wilderness Worship Night

Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Road M, Frederic, WI, United States

  Wilderness Worship is a night of worship that happens every 3rd Saturday of the month here at The Wilderness Fellowship. It is a free event open to everyone in the community! It consists of an hour and half of worship starting at 7:00 PM!  - No preaching, no agenda, just worship! - We hope…

Memorial Day Weekend 2020 *** CANCELLED***

Crooked Lake Park, Siren WI 24258 Hwy 35 70, Siren, WI

 Open camping Friday, May 22nd - Monday, May 25th!  Weekend Schedule Friday, May 22nd Bonfire - Friday Evening The weekend kicks off with a Friday evening bonfire of roasting marshmallows for s’mores. Everyone is invited!   Saturday, May 23rd AmazinGrace The writer of Hebrews compares our journey in the Christian life to running a race. With…

Experience The River – Paul Anderson ***CANCELLED***

Johnson Hall, Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Rd M, Frederic, WI, United States

THIS EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELLED. Breaking Free From Strongholds   Paul Anderson Strongholds are hideouts, places to run to. They look like safe places--the fridge, a nap, a drink, church, something I run to instead of God. It slowly turns into a prison that robs me of freedom. Lies put me there--and lies can keep…

Wilderness Worship Night

Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Road M, Frederic, WI, United States

  Wilderness Worship is a night of worship that happens every 3rd Saturday of the month here at The Wilderness Fellowship. It is a free event open to everyone in the community! It consists of an hour and half of worship starting at 7:00 PM!  - No preaching, no agenda, just worship! - We hope…

Marriage Conference July 2020

Johnson Hall, Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Rd M, Frederic, WI, United States

Marriage Today Conference The pandemic has required all of us to make changes and to be flexible. So it is with us at The Wilderness Fellowship. Our speaker for our marriage conference is unable to attend.  We are excited to present the "Marriage Today" series on our big screen. Come join us for a romantic…

Experience The River – Brian Fenimore – Power Of Healing

Johnson Hall, Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Rd M, Frederic, WI, United States

THIS IS OUR FINAL EXPERIENCE THE RIVER Our start time is at 12:30, beginning with an awesome time of worship. A catered dinner will be included in the conference fee of $30*. After dinner we will have our regular "Wilderness Worship" night from 7 to 8:30 p.m. The Power Of Healing   Brian Fenimore is…

Marriage Conference October 2020

Johnson Hall, Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Rd M, Frederic, WI, United States

Marriage Today Conference The pandemic has required all of us to make changes and to be flexible. So it is with us at The Wilderness Fellowship. Our speaker for our marriage conference is unable to attend.  We are excited to present the "Marriage Today" series on our big screen. Come join us for a romantic…

NO Worship Night – January 2021

WI, United States

************** We are giving the worship team a month off this January, so there will be no worship night on January 16. But we'll be back to our normal monthly schedule in February! We hope to see you there!! ***************   Wilderness Worship is a night of worship that happens every 3rd Saturday of the…

Marriage Conference – January 2021

Johnson Hall, Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Rd M, Frederic, WI, United States

The Ultimate Marriage Conference is a call to hope, greatness, and destiny for every marriage. We begin with the Father's original culture, and from His starting point, we drop a plumb line to help you build the ultimate marriage. It's time to learn what heaven's idea about marriage truly is - because it's way bigger than you…

Wilderness Worship Night

Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Road M, Frederic, WI, United States

  Wilderness Worship is a night of worship that happens every 3rd Saturday of the month here at The Wilderness Fellowship. It is a free event open to everyone in the community! It consists of an hour and half of worship starting at 7:00 PM!  - No preaching, no agenda, just worship! - We hope…

TWFM Annual Meeting

Johnson Hall, Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Rd M, Frederic, WI, United States

A time of looking back at what God has done over the last year here at The Wilderness. We invite you to come and be a part! There will also be delicious desserts! You don’t want to miss this!

Wilderness Worship Night

Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Road M, Frederic, WI, United States

  Wilderness Worship is a night of worship that happens every 3rd Saturday of the month here at The Wilderness Fellowship. It is a free event open to everyone in the community! It consists of an hour and half of worship starting at 7:00 PM!  - No preaching, no agenda, just worship! - We hope…

Easter Sunrise Service

Sunrise Service Outdoor Worship Area, Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Road M, Frederic, WI

An annual event for over 45 years, Easter Sunrise Service will be at 6:30AM, on Sunday, April 4th at the Sunrise Worship Area! Join us for this simple time of worship and sharing as we celebrate the resurrection of our Savior! After the service we will be providing a delicious breakfast at the Fellowship Center!…

Wilderness Worship Night

Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Road M, Frederic, WI, United States

  Wilderness Worship is a night of worship that happens every 3rd Saturday of the month here at The Wilderness Fellowship. It is a free event open to everyone in the community! It consists of an hour and half of worship starting at 7:00 PM!  - No preaching, no agenda, just worship! - We hope…

Marriage Conference – April 2021

Johnson Hall, Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Rd M, Frederic, WI, United States

***THE APRIL MARRIAGE CONFERENCE IS FULL*** We still have space for you at the October Marriage Conference!   The Ultimate Marriage Conference is a call to hope, greatness, and destiny for every marriage. We begin with the Father's original culture, and from His starting point, we drop a plumb line to help you build the ultimate…

Wilderness Worship Night

Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Road M, Frederic, WI, United States

  Wilderness Worship is a night of worship that happens every 3rd Saturday of the month here at The Wilderness Fellowship. It is a free event open to everyone in the community! It consists of an hour and half of worship starting at 7:00 PM!  - No preaching, no agenda, just worship! - We hope…

Wilderness Worship Night

Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Road M, Frederic, WI, United States

  Wilderness Worship is a night of worship that happens every 3rd Saturday of the month here at The Wilderness Fellowship. It is a free event open to everyone in the community! It consists of an hour and half of worship starting at 7:00 PM!  - No preaching, no agenda, just worship! - We hope…

Northwoods Conference July 16-18, 2021

Adventure Church 23985 State Rd 35 S, Siren, WI, United States

  You don't want to miss this! Click below for all of the conference info!

Wilderness Worship Night

Adventure Church 23985 State Rd 35 S, Siren, WI, United States

July Worship Night will be held at Adventure Church in Siren, WI. We will be having the Northwoods Conference running all weekend at Adventure Church and the Worship Night will be a part of the weekend. You don't have to attend the conference to come to Worship Night! We hope you'll join us!    …

Worship In The Park – Wilderness Worship- August 2021

Crooked Lake Park - Siren, WI 24258 Hwy 35, Siren, WI

Join us for a night of worship at Crooked Lake Park in Siren, WI. August 21, 2021 at 7:00 PM. No agenda, no sermon, just worshiping the King of Kings! We hope that you can come and invite your friends and family to help us fill the park with praise!  We've reserved the picnic pavilion…

Wilderness Worship Night

Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Road M, Frederic, WI, United States

  Wilderness Worship is a night of worship that happens every 3rd Saturday of the month here at The Wilderness Fellowship. It is a free event open to everyone in the community! It consists of an hour and half of worship starting at 7:00 PM!  - No preaching, no agenda, just worship! - We hope…

Marriage Conference – October 2021

Johnson Hall, Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Rd M, Frederic, WI, United States

***THE OCTOBER MARRIAGE RETREAT IS FULL*** We still have space for you in our upcoming Marriage Retreats in 2022!   The Ultimate Marriage Conference is a call to hope, greatness, and destiny for every marriage. We begin with the Father's original culture, and from His starting point, we drop a plumb line to help you build…

Wilderness Worship Night

Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Road M, Frederic, WI, United States

  Wilderness Worship is a night of worship that happens every 3rd Saturday of the month here at The Wilderness Fellowship. It is a free event open to everyone in the community! It consists of an hour and half of worship starting at 7:00 PM!  - No preaching, no agenda, just worship! - We hope…

Wilderness Worship Night

Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Road M, Frederic, WI, United States

  Wilderness Worship is a night of worship that happens every 3rd Saturday of the month here at The Wilderness Fellowship. It is a free event open to everyone in the community! It consists of an hour and half of worship starting at 7:00 PM!  - No preaching, no agenda, just worship! - We hope…

Marriage Retreat – February 2022

Johnson Hall, Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Rd M, Frederic, WI, United States

The Ultimate Marriage Retreat is a call to hope, greatness, and destiny for every marriage. We begin with the Father's original culture, and from His starting point, we drop a plumb line to help you build the ultimate marriage. It's time to learn what heaven's idea about marriage truly is - because it's way bigger than you…

Wilderness Worship Night

Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Road M, Frederic, WI, United States

  Wilderness Worship is a night of worship that happens every 3rd Saturday of the month here at The Wilderness Fellowship. It is a free event open to everyone in the community! It consists of an hour and half of worship starting at 7:00 PM!  - No preaching, no agenda, just worship! - We hope…

Wilderness Worship Night

Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Road M, Frederic, WI, United States

  Wilderness Worship is a night of worship that happens every 3rd Saturday of the month here at The Wilderness Fellowship. It is a free event open to everyone in the community! It consists of an hour and half of worship starting at 7:00 PM!  - No preaching, no agenda, just worship! - We hope…

Northwoods Conference 2022: His Voice

Adventure Church 23985 State Rd 35 S, Siren, WI, United States

Can a whisper be deafening? Can a shout, not be heard?  With noise all around us, have we become hard of hearing? Yet, in the midst of more noise than ever before, there is a voice that whispers loudly over the crowd. It calls!  It beckons! It speaks in the midst of the thunder! Can you hear…

Wilderness Worship Night

Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Road M, Frederic, WI, United States

  Wilderness Worship is a night of worship that happens every 3rd Saturday of the month here at The Wilderness Fellowship. It is a free event open to everyone in the community! It consists of an hour and half of worship starting at 7:00 PM!  - No preaching, no agenda, just worship! - We hope…

Marriage Retreat – April 2022

Johnson Hall, Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Rd M, Frederic, WI, United States

The Ultimate Marriage Retreat is a call to hope, greatness, and destiny for every marriage. We begin with the Father's original culture, and from His starting point, we drop a plumb line to help you build the ultimate marriage. It's time to learn what heaven's idea about marriage truly is - because it's way bigger than you…

Wilderness Worship Night

Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Road M, Frederic, WI, United States

  Wilderness Worship is a night of worship that happens every 3rd Saturday of the month here at The Wilderness Fellowship. It is a free event open to everyone in the community! It consists of an hour and half of worship starting at 7:00 PM!  - No preaching, no agenda, just worship! - We hope…

Wilderness Worship Night

Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Road M, Frederic, WI, United States

  Wilderness Worship is a night of worship that happens every 3rd Saturday of the month here at The Wilderness Fellowship. It is a free event open to everyone in the community! It consists of an hour and half of worship starting at 7:00 PM!  - No preaching, no agenda, just worship! - We hope…

Wilderness Worship Night

Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Road M, Frederic, WI, United States

  Wilderness Worship is a night of worship that happens every 3rd Saturday of the month here at The Wilderness Fellowship. It is a free event open to everyone in the community! It consists of an hour and half of worship starting at 7:00 PM!  - No preaching, no agenda, just worship! - We hope…

Worship In The Park – August 2022

Crooked Lake Park - Siren, WI 24258 Hwy 35, Siren, WI

Join us for a night of worship at Crooked Lake Park in Siren, WI. August 20, 2022 at 7:00 PM. No agenda, no sermon, just worshiping the King of Kings! We hope that you can come and invite your friends and family to help us fill the park with praise!  We've reserved the picnic pavilion…

50th Anniversary Celebration

Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Road M, Frederic, WI, United States

It’s a Jubilee! So, please come and jubilate with us as we celebrate the 50th Anniversary of The Wilderness Fellowship on Saturday, September 17, from 10 am - 8 pm!  (Come and go as you please.)   We’ll kick off the day with a pancake breakfast at 10:00 am.  There will be self-guided tours of…

Marriage Retreat – September 2022

Johnson Hall, Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Rd M, Frederic, WI, United States

The Ultimate Marriage Retreat is a call to hope, greatness, and destiny for every marriage. We begin with the Father's original culture, and from His starting point, we drop a plumb line to help you build the ultimate marriage. It's time to learn what heaven's idea about marriage truly is - because it's way bigger than you…

Wilderness Worship Night

Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Road M, Frederic, WI, United States

  Wilderness Worship is a night of worship that happens every 3rd Saturday of the month here at The Wilderness Fellowship. It is a free event open to everyone in the community! It consists of an hour and half of worship starting at 7:00 PM!  - No preaching, no agenda, just worship! - We hope…

Wilderness Worship Night

Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Road M, Frederic, WI, United States

  Wilderness Worship is a night of worship that happens every 3rd Saturday of the month here at The Wilderness Fellowship. It is a free event open to everyone in the community! It consists of an hour and half of worship starting at 7:00 PM!  - No preaching, no agenda, just worship! - We hope…

Wilderness Worship Night

Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Road M, Frederic, WI, United States

  Wilderness Worship is a night of worship that happens every 3rd Saturday of the month here at The Wilderness Fellowship. It is a free event open to everyone in the community! It consists of an hour and half of worship starting at 7:00 PM!  - No preaching, no agenda, just worship! - We hope…

Marriage Retreat – January 2023

Johnson Hall, Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Rd M, Frederic, WI, United States

The Ultimate Marriage Retreat is a call to hope, greatness, and destiny for every marriage. We begin with the Father's original culture, and from His starting point, we drop a plumb line to help you build the ultimate marriage. It's time to learn what heaven's idea about marriage truly is - because it's way bigger than you…

Wilderness Worship Night

Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Road M, Frederic, WI, United States

  Wilderness Worship is a night of worship that happens every 3rd Saturday of the month here at The Wilderness Fellowship. It is a free event open to everyone in the community! It consists of an hour and half of worship starting at 7:00 PM!  - No preaching, no agenda, just worship! - We hope…

Wilderness Worship Night

Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Road M, Frederic, WI, United States

  Wilderness Worship is a night of worship that happens every 3rd Saturday of the month here at The Wilderness Fellowship. It is a free event open to everyone in the community! It consists of an hour and half of worship starting at 7:00 PM!  - No preaching, no agenda, just worship! - We hope…

Northwoods Conference 2023: True Identity

Adventure Church 23985 State Rd 35 S, Siren, WI, United States

Northwoods Conference: True Identity March 24 & 25, 2023 CLICK BELOW FOR MORE INFO!  

Easter Sunrise Service

Sunrise Service Outdoor Worship Area, Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Road M, Frederic, WI

An annual event for over 45 years, Easter Sunrise Service will be at 6:15AM, on Sunday, April 9th at the Sunrise Worship Area! Join us for this simple time of worship, communion and sharing as we celebrate the resurrection of our Savior! After the service we will be providing a delicious breakfast at the Fellowship…

Wilderness Worship Night

Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Road M, Frederic, WI, United States

  Wilderness Worship is a night of worship that happens every 3rd Saturday of the month here at The Wilderness Fellowship. It is a free event open to everyone in the community! It consists of an hour and half of worship starting at 7:00 PM!  - No preaching, no agenda, just worship! - We hope…

Marriage Retreat – April 2023

Johnson Hall, Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Rd M, Frederic, WI, United States

The Ultimate Marriage Retreat is a call to hope, greatness, and destiny for every marriage. We begin with the Father's original culture, and from His starting point, we drop a plumb line to help you build the ultimate marriage. It's time to learn what heaven's idea about marriage truly is - because it's way bigger than you…

Wilderness Worship Night

Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Road M, Frederic, WI, United States

  Wilderness Worship is a night of worship that happens every 3rd Saturday of the month here at The Wilderness Fellowship. It is a free event open to everyone in the community! It consists of an hour and half of worship starting at 7:00 PM!  - No preaching, no agenda, just worship! - We hope…

Wilderness Worship Night

Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Road M, Frederic, WI, United States

  Wilderness Worship is a night of worship that happens every 3rd Saturday of the month here at The Wilderness Fellowship. It is a free event open to everyone in the community! It consists of an hour and half of worship starting at 7:00 PM!  - No preaching, no agenda, just worship! - We hope…

Wilderness Worship Night

Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Road M, Frederic, WI, United States

  Wilderness Worship is a night of worship that happens every 3rd Saturday of the month here at The Wilderness Fellowship. It is a free event open to everyone in the community! It consists of an hour and half of worship starting at 7:00 PM!  - No preaching, no agenda, just worship! - We hope…

Value The Voice – Parenting Conference 2023

Johnson Hall, Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Rd M, Frederic, WI, United States

With Jonny & Amy Claussen. Parenting isn’t about raising independent children; instead, it is all about transferring our children’s dependency from us to the Father. Teaching our children to value the Father’s voice is our greatest parenting priority. The Value the Voice Parenting Course will help you navigate the greatest job you will ever have!  …

Worship In The Park 2023

Crooked Lake Park - Siren, WI 24258 Hwy 35, Siren, WI

Join us for a night of worship at Crooked Lake Park in Siren, WI. August 19, 2023 at 7:00 PM. No agenda, no sermon, just worshiping the King of Kings! We hope that you can come and invite your friends and family to help us fill the park with praise!  We've reserved the picnic pavilion…

Wilderness Worship Night

Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Road M, Frederic, WI, United States

  Wilderness Worship is a night of worship that happens every 3rd Saturday of the month here at The Wilderness Fellowship. It is a free event open to everyone in the community! It consists of an hour and half of worship starting at 7:00 PM!  - No preaching, no agenda, just worship! - We hope…

Marriage Retreat – October 2023

Johnson Hall, Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Rd M, Frederic, WI, United States

The Ultimate Marriage Retreat is a call to hope, greatness, and destiny for every marriage. We begin with the Father's original culture, and from His starting point, we drop a plumb line to help you build the ultimate marriage. It's time to learn what heaven's idea about marriage truly is - because it's way bigger than you…

Wilderness Worship Night

Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Road M, Frederic, WI, United States

  Wilderness Worship is a night of worship that happens every 3rd Saturday of the month here at The Wilderness Fellowship. It is a free event open to everyone in the community! It consists of an hour and half of worship starting at 7:00 PM!  - No preaching, no agenda, just worship! - We hope…

Wilderness Worship Night

Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Road M, Frederic, WI, United States

  Wilderness Worship is a night of worship that happens every 3rd Saturday of the month here at The Wilderness Fellowship. It is a free event open to everyone in the community! It consists of an hour and half of worship starting at 7:00 PM!  - No preaching, no agenda, just worship! - We hope…

Wilderness Worship Night

Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Road M, Frederic, WI, United States

  Wilderness Worship is a night of worship that happens every 3rd Saturday of the month here at The Wilderness Fellowship. It is a free event open to everyone in the community! It consists of an hour and half of worship starting at 7:00 PM!  - No preaching, no agenda, just worship! - We hope…

Marriage Retreat – January 2024

Johnson Hall, Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Rd M, Frederic, WI, United States

The Ultimate Marriage Retreat is a call to hope, greatness, and destiny for every marriage. We begin with the Father's original culture, and from His starting point, we drop a plumb line to help you build the ultimate marriage. It's time to learn what heaven's idea about marriage truly is - because it's way bigger than you…

Night of Worship at Adventure Church

Adventure Church 23985 State Rd 35 S, Siren, WI, United States

We won't be having our normal Wilderness Worship night on February 17th, but we invite everyone to come out to the Night of Worship at Adventure Church in Siren, WI. NIGHT OF WORSHIP February 17 @ 7PM at Adventure Church, Siren, WI It will be a special night of worship featuring the Chorale from North…

Wilderness Worship Night

Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Road M, Frederic, WI, United States

  Wilderness Worship is a night of worship that happens every 3rd Saturday of the month here at The Wilderness Fellowship. It is a free event open to everyone in the community! It consists of an hour and half of worship starting at 7:00 PM!  - No preaching, no agenda, just worship! - We hope…

Easter Sunrise Service

Sunrise Service Outdoor Worship Area, Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Road M, Frederic, WI

An annual event for over 45 years, Easter Sunrise Service will be at 6:30AM, on Sunday, March 31st at the Sunrise Worship Area! Join us for this simple time of worship and sharing as we celebrate the resurrection of our Savior! After the service we will be providing a delicious breakfast at the Fellowship Center!…

Wilderness Worship Night

Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Road M, Frederic, WI, United States

  Wilderness Worship is a night of worship that happens every 3rd Saturday of the month here at The Wilderness Fellowship. It is a free event open to everyone in the community! It consists of an hour and half of worship starting at 7:00 PM!  - No preaching, no agenda, just worship! - We hope…

Marriage Retreat – April 2024

Johnson Hall, Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Rd M, Frederic, WI, United States

The Ultimate Marriage Retreat is a call to hope, greatness, and destiny for every marriage. We begin with the Father's original culture, and from His starting point, we drop a plumb line to help you build the ultimate marriage. It's time to learn what heaven's idea about marriage truly is - because it's way bigger than you…

Wilderness Worship Night

Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Road M, Frederic, WI, United States

  Wilderness Worship is a night of worship that happens every 3rd Saturday of the month here at The Wilderness Fellowship. It is a free event open to everyone in the community! It consists of an hour and half of worship starting at 7:00 PM!  - No preaching, no agenda, just worship! - We hope…

Wilderness Worship Night

Wilderness Fellowship 22000 County Road M, Frederic, WI, United States

  Wilderness Worship is a night of worship that happens every 3rd Saturday of the month here at The Wilderness Fellowship. It is a free event open to everyone in the community! It consists of an hour and half of worship starting at 7:00 PM!  - No preaching, no agenda, just worship! - We hope…